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Fanheng Kong

Contact Me

I am a first year (2023-now) M.Sc. student (transfer to Ph.D. in the second half of this year) in Data Mining group, at Northeastern University, advised by Prof. Shi Feng and Prof. Darling Wang.

I specialize in AIGC, including Large Multimodal Models and Multimodal Dialogue Generation , and related projects.

Currently, I'm an intern at KwaiYii, Kuaishou Technology.

Previously, I got my undergraduate degree from the Department of Artificial Intelligence at Northeastern University and had postgraduate recommendation to our school.

If you are interested in my researches, you are welcome to communicate or collaborate with me via my email.


  • [5/2024] One paper is accepted to ACL 2024 (Main) (CCF-A).
  • [2/2024] One paper is accepted to COLING 2024 (Main) (CCF-B).

StickerConvGitHub stars

Multimodal Empathetic Dialogue Dataset and LMM

TIGERGitHub stars

Generative Multimodal Dialogue Framework

S-MambaGitHub stars

Is Mamba Effective for Time Series Forecasting?

PICA GitHub stars

LLM for the Emotional Domain

Awesome MultimodalGitHub stars

Awesome Multimodal Papers


(* equal contribution, † corresponding author)

StickerConv: Generating Multimodal Empathetic Responses from Scratch

Yiqun Zhang*, Fanheng Kong*, Peidong Wang*, Shuang Sun, Lingshuai Wang, Shi Feng, Daling Wang, Yifei Zhang, Kaisong Song

ACL 2024 (Main).   Project Page   Paper (arXiv)   Code   GitHub stars


TIGER: A Unified Generative Model Framework for Multimodal Dialogue Response Generation

Fanheng Kong, Peidong Wang, Shi Feng, Daling Wang, Yifei Zhang

COLING 2024 (Main).   Paper   Code   GitHub stars


Is Mamba Effective for Time Series Forecasting?

Zihan Wang, Fanheng Kong, Shi Feng, Ming Wang, Xiaocui Yang, Han Zhao, Daling Wang, Yifei Zhang

arXiv preprint, 2024-03.   Paper (arXiv)   Code   GitHub stars